Balahisar Fort

Place: Peshawar

Category: Historic Sites ,

Suitable for Family Suitable for Adults

Latitude: 34.0129775542852

Longitude: 71.5697845669456


Balahisar Fort, is a massive structure built by the Sikhs in 1834 on the site of Baburs earlier fort. It has been the headquarters of the Frontier Corps since 1907 and is still used by the Pakistani Army. Most of the existing barracks and military installations date back from the British period. The fort houses an interesting military museum which is open to public with special permission. A ceremonial changing of guards takes place ten minutes before sunset daily. The Koh i Noor diamond, which is now part of the British Crown Jewels, was taken from the former Afghan rulers by the Sikhs inside Balahisar. It was then acquired by The East India Company after the annexation of Peshawar in 1849 and later presented to Her Majesty Queen Victoria the following year.

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